a cat sitting at a computer desk

Using CatBoost AI Models for Forex Trading in MetaTrader 5 – Part 1

What is CatBoost?

CatBoost is an open-source gradient boosting library developed by Yandex, designed to handle categorical features efficiently.1 Unlike traditional gradient boosting methods, CatBoost processes categorical data directly without extensive preprocessing, making it particularly effective for datasets with categorical variables.2

Key features of CatBoost include:

  • Native Handling of Categorical Features: CatBoost can process non-numeric data directly, eliminating the need for manual encoding.
  • Ordered Boosting: This technique reduces overfitting by using a permutation-driven approach, ensuring more accurate predictions.3
  • Symmetric Trees: CatBoost builds balanced trees, which enhances training speed and model efficiency.4
  • GPU Support: The library supports GPU acceleration, allowing for faster training on large datasets.

CatBoost is versatile and has been applied across various industries. For instance, JetBrains utilizes it for code completion, Cloudflare employs it for bot detection, and Careem uses it to predict future ride destinations.5

Overall, CatBoost offers a robust solution for machine learning tasks, especially when dealing with categorical data, providing high accuracy and efficiency with minimal data preprocessing.

How does it operate?

CatBoost operates within a gradient boosting framework, similar to algorithms like LightGBM and XGBoost. It constructs multiple decision trees in a sequential manner, where each subsequent tree is designed to correct the errors of its predecessors. This iterative process enhances the model’s accuracy over time. The final prediction is obtained by aggregating the weighted outputs of all individual trees.6

A distinctive feature of CatBoost is its ability to handle categorical features natively, eliminating the need for extensive preprocessing. This is achieved through a technique known as ordered boosting, which mitigates overfitting by preventing target leakage during training.

Additionally, CatBoost employs symmetric trees, where splits occur simultaneously across all nodes at each level of the decision tree. This structure facilitates faster prediction times and reduces the risk of overfitting.

CatBoost vs XGBoost and LightGBM

Categorical features handlingEquipped with automatic encoding and ordered boosting for handling categorical variables.Requires manual encoding processing such as one-hot encoding, label encoding, etc.Requires manual encoding processing such as one-hot encoding, label encoding, etc.
Decision Tree StructureIt has symmetric decision trees, which are balanced and grow evenly. They ensure faster predictions and a lower risk of overfitting.It has a Leaf-wise growth strategy (asymmetric) which focuses on the leaves with the highest loss. This results in deep and imbalanced trees which can carry a higher accuracy but, a greater risk of overfitting.It has a Level-wise growth strategy (asymmetric) which grows the tree based on the best split for each node. This leads to flexible but slower predictions and a potential risk of overfitting.
Model accuracyThey provide good accuracy when working with datasets containing many categorical features due to ordered boosting and reduced risk of overfitting on smaller data.They provide good accuracy, particularly on large and high-dimensional datasets since the leaf-wise growth strategy focuses on improving performance in areas of high error.
They provide good accuracy on most datasets but, tend to be outperformed by CatBoost on categorical datasets and LightGBM on very large datasets due to its less aggressive tree-growing strategy.

Training speed & accuracyUsually slower to train than LightGBM but more efficient on small to medium datasets, especially when categorical features are involved.Usually the fastest of these three, especially on large datasets due to its leaf-wise tree growth which is more efficient in high-dimensional data.Often the slowest of these three by a tiny margin. It is very efficient for large datasets. 

Deploying the CatBoost Model

To implement a CatBoost model for predicting trading signals (Buy/Sell), we first need to define our problem scenario. Our dataset comprises continuous features—Open, High, Low, and Close prices (OHLC)—and categorical features such as Day (current date), Day of the Week (Monday to Sunday), Day of the Year (1 to 365), Month (January to December), Hour (0 to 23), and Minute (0 to 59). The OHLC values are continuous, while the others are categorical.

The dataset “EURUSD_H1.csv” is pulled in real time using Python and MetaTrader 5, and you can find a downloadable copy in the Files section at the end of the article.

Install and import necessary libraries

We start by importing the CatBoost model after installing it.

import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from stockstats import wrap # https://github.com/jealous/stockstats
import catboost
from catboost import CatBoostClassifier
import sklearn
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
import csv


forex_file = "/mnt/c/Users/matsl/Python/Forex/EURUSD_H1.csv"
onnx_file = "/mnt/c/Users/matsl/AppData/Roaming/MetaQuotes/Terminal/930119AA53207C87xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/MQL5/Files/CatBoost.EURUSD.OHLC.H1.onnx"

I’m using the Stockstats wrapper by Cedric Zhuang7 for handy inline stock statistics/indicators support.

print('Python version:{}'.format(sys.version))
print('Numpy version:{}'.format(np.__version__))
print('Pandas version:{}'.format(pd.__version__))
print('CatBoost version:{}'.format(catboost.__version__))
print('Sci-Kit Learn version:{}'.format(sklearn.__version__))

Importing the data

Reading the csv and modifying the dataset to suit our needs.

eurusd_h1 = pd.read_csv(forex_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True, skipinitialspace=True)

eurusd_h1.rename(columns={'Open': 'open'}, inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.rename(columns={'High': 'high'}, inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.rename(columns={'Low': 'low'}, inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.rename(columns={'Close': 'close'}, inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.rename(columns={'Tick Volume': 'volume'}, inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.drop('Spread', axis='columns', inplace=True)
eurusd_h1.drop('Real Volume', axis='columns', inplace=True)

df = pd.DataFrame(eurusd_h1)
df = wrap(df)

# Add technical indicators
df['rsi'] = df['rsi']
df['stochrsi'] = df['stochrsi']
df['atr'] = df['atr']

# Add date and time features
df['day'] = df.index.day
df['day_of_week'] = df.index.dayofweek
df['day_of_year'] = df.index.dayofyear
df['month'] = df.index.month
df['hour'] = df.index.hour
df['minute'] = df.index.minute

# Tidy up the dataframe

# Ensure all category columns are integers
df = df.astype({'day': 'int', 'day_of_week': 'int', 'day_of_year': 'int', 'month': 'int', 'hour': 'int', 'minute': 'int'})

Creating the signals for training

We shift the ‘close’ and ‘open’ columns by one row to get the future close and open price values, then we add these new columns to the dataset.

new_df = df.copy()

new_df["target_close"] = df["close"].shift(-1)
new_df["target_open"] = df["open"].shift(-1)

new_df = new_df.dropna()
new_df = new_df.reset_index(drop=True)

open_values = new_df["target_open"]
close_values = new_df["target_close"]

target = []
for i in range(len(open_values)):
    if close_values[i] > open_values[i]:

new_df["signal"] = target


Splitting the data

With the signals ready for prediction, let’s split the data into training and testing samples.

X = new_df.drop(columns = ["target_close", "target_open", "signal"]) # we drop future values
y = new_df["signal"] # trading signals are the target variables we wanna predict 

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=0.8, random_state=42)

We create a list of categorical features available in our dataset.

categorical_features = ["day","day_of_week", "day_of_year", "month", "hour", "minute"]

We can then use this list to convert the categorical features into string format, reflecting how categorical variables are typically stored.

X_train[categorical_features] = X_train[categorical_features].astype(str)
X_test[categorical_features] = X_test[categorical_features].astype(str)


Training a CatBoost Model

Before using the fit method to train the CatBoost model, let’s explore some of the key parameters8 that drive its functionality.

IterationsThis is the number of decision trees iterations to build.

More iterations lead to better performance but also carry a risk of overfitting.
learning_rateThis factor controls the distribution of each tree to the final prediction.

A smaller learning rate requires more iterations for trees to converge but often results in better models.
depthThis is the maximum depth of the trees.

Deeper trees can capture more complex patterns in the data but, may often lead to overfitting.
cat_featuresThis is a list of categorical indices.

Despite the CatBoost model being capable of detecting the categorical features, it is a good practice to explicitly instruct the model on which features are categorical ones.
This helps the model understand the categorical features from a human perspective as the methods for automatically detecting the categorical variables can sometimes fail.
l2_leaf_regThis is the L2 regularization coefficient.

It helps to prevent overfitting by penalizing larger leaf weights.
border_countThis is the number of splits for each categorical feature. The higher this number the better the performance and increases computational time.
eval_metricThis is the evaluation metric that will be used during training.

It helps in monitoring the model performance effectively.
early_stopping_roundsWhen validation data is provided to the model, the training progress will stop if no improvement in the model’s accuracy is observed for this number of rounds.

This parameter helps reduce overfitting and can save a lot of training time.

Let’s define a dictionary for the above parameters.

params = dict(
    iterations=300,  # Number of boosting iterations
    #learning_rate=0.01,  # The automatically defined value should be close to the optimal one.
    depth=12,  # Depth of the tree
    feature_border_type='MinEntropy', # The method used to calculate the border between the categories
    l2_leaf_reg=12,  # L2 regularization coefficient
    loss_function='Logloss', # Loss function to be optimized
    bagging_temperature=1,  # Controls intensity of Bayesian bagging
    border_count=128,  # Number of splits for categorical features
    eval_metric='Logloss',  # Metrics for validation data
    random_seed=42,  # Seed for reproducibility
    verbose=1,  # Verbosity level
    early_stopping_rounds=10  # Early stopping for validation

Finally, we define the CatBoost model within the Sklearn pipeline and call the fit method to train it, providing evaluation data and a list of categorical features.

pipe = Pipeline([
    ("catboost", CatBoostClassifier(**params))

# Fit the pipeline to the training data
pipe.fit(X_train, y_train, catboost__eval_set=(X_test, y_test), catboost__cat_features=categorical_features)

Evaluating the Model

We can evaluate the model’s performance using Sklearn’s metrics.

# Make predicitons on training and testing sets
y_train_pred = pipe.predict(X_train)
y_test_pred = pipe.predict(X_test)

# Training set evaluation
print("Training Set Classification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_train, y_train_pred))

# Testing set evaluation
print("\nTesting Set Classification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, y_test_pred))

To gain a deeper understanding of the model, let’s create a feature importance plot.

# Extract the trained CatBoostClassifier from the pipeline
catboost_model = pipe.named_steps['catboost']

# Get feature importances
feature_importances = catboost_model.get_feature_importance()

feature_im_df = pd.DataFrame({
    "feature": X.columns,
    "importance": feature_importances

feature_im_df = feature_im_df.sort_values(by="importance", ascending=False)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.barplot(data = feature_im_df, x='importance', y='feature', palette="viridis")

plt.title("CatBoost feature importance")

The “feature importance plot” above provides a clear overview of how the model made its decisions. It appears that the CatBoost model prioritized categorical variables as the most influential features in determining the final predictions, more so than the continuous variables.

In Part 2, I will demonstrate how to save the model in ONNX format and integrate it into an Expert Advisor in MetaTrader 5 for automated trading powered by the CatBoost AI.



  1. CatBoost – open-source gradient boosting library ↩︎
  2. Introduktion till CatBoost ↩︎
  3. CatBoost: unbiased boosting with categorical features ↩︎
  4. CatBoost in Machine Learning: A Detailed Guide ↩︎
  5. CatBoost – Wikipedia ↩︎
  6. What Is CatBoost? (Definition, How Does It Work?) | Built In ↩︎
  7. Stock Statistics/Indicators Calculation Helper ↩︎
  8. Common parameters – CatBoost ↩︎

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